Tuesday, November 1, 2016

MacHeist Anarchy Bundle! VirusBarrier Little Snitch for dirt cheap!!!

MacHeist Anarchy Bundle! VirusBarrier Little Snitch for dirt cheap!!!


[Updates: Its all over. What a heist!
. . .
- - The current Heist has been extended through January 23rd
- - An 11th application has been added: Control Center (worth $7). Details below.
- - In case you missed it, the Heist was hacked and taken over by North Korea (kidding!) on the night of January 20th. Visitors were forced to battle pong and MacMan with Kim Jun Un in the guises of Seth Rogan, James Franco and Jonah Hill. It was mayhem.
- - ALL the applications have now been unlocked
- - The tenth application is Postbox, an alternative email client program worth $10. Details below. Meanwhile: Cocktail has been unlocked and is now part of the loot! Little Snitch was also unlocked. MacHeist has changed the value of VirusBarrier to $108, which would mean theyre providing the business version with three Macs supported. This version includes malware definitions for Windows as well as Mac!

MacHeist is having another charity drive, donating 10% of sales, providing 11 Mac applications for a measly $14.99. The heist is running through January 18th, 2015 (or so). Whats included for $14.99 is truly astounding. Just get it and savor the goodness. Mmm.

Im posting this article here instead of at my MacSmarticles blog because two of the very best Mac security applications are included: Integos VirusBarrier and Objective Developments Little Snitch. To get these pinnacles of greatness for $15 is beyond belief. Not kidding!

The full list of applications:

Default Folder X - - This beloved application is on all my Macs.

VirusBarrier - - This is the best anti-malware available for client Macs, my favorite. Even if you already own it, this is a cheap way to subscribe to its malware definitions for another full year. Provided is the business version with three Macs are supported; Both Windows and Mac malware definitions are provided for one year.

uBar - - A replacement for the OS X Dock reminiscent of the Windows task bar.

Speedy - - Quick access to favorite apps, docs, folders, site bookmarks...

TotalFinder - - Returns stuff dumped from the modern OS X Finder while adding its own bells and whistles.

Parallels Access - - Access your Mac or Windows box from iOS or Android. A one year subscription.

CodeKit - - Assists in web development, including scripting and previews.

Cocktail - - A favorite utility for OS X cleaning, repair and customization. It includes an auto-pilot system as well as periodic programmable daemon. I already own it! I like it! 

Little Snitch - - The best reverse firewall on the planet, another of my favorites, running on all my Macs.

Postbox - - An alternative mail client to Apple Mail. It has been acclaimed for providing better support of Gmail that Mail. Adds another $10 in value to the bundle.

- - How well Postbox runs on OS X 10.10 Yosemite or 10.6 Snow Leopard is unclear to me. One page at the developers website specifically says Postbox is for OS X 10.7 - 10.9, saying nothing about support for other versions of OS X. Another page says Postbox is for 10.6 and above. Nowhere is 10.10 Yosemite mentioned. Hmm.

Control Center - - A multi-utility minimalistic app that lets you control and monitor most aspects of your computer. You can use it for controlling music (iTunes/Spotify), monitor hardware statistics, communication protocols (WiFi/Bluetooth) and much more. - - The latest version looks to be excellent, 4 star over at MacUpdate.

The theme for this MacHeist is ANARCHY! featuring applications NOT found at the Apple Mac App Store. They break the Apple store rules, transcending Apples limitations in their quest to provide the unusual if not outright profound! Or so goes my personal marketing spiel.

Heres how much I like this bundle: I own four (4) of these applications already. But Im getting it anyway. VirusBarrier: I already own a license to get me through to the middle of 2016. Now Ill have another license to get me through to the middle of 2017. (o_0) Am I crazy? I dont think so. Not for $15 and all the new kewl stuff I dont own. I know Ill be passing along other duplicate licenses to friends.

Ringing up the cash register: For $15 you get $324 worth of loot.

The Full List of Charities:

Action Against Hunger

American Foundation for AIDS Research

Friends of the Earth - - My personal favorite.

Heart to Heart

Humane Society International

The Nature Conservancy

Save the Children

Global Fund for Women

Cancer Research Institute

World Wildlife Fund

As usual with MacHeist, you can choose to donate your 10% of the sale to your favorite charity, or have it split up amongst them all equally.

How come Im foisting MacHeist? I always do. I love these folks. Im amazed at what they create. Im amazed at what they accomplish. Im amazed at the ripping good deals they offer with every heist. I celebrate their efforts for charity. Therefore, Im happy to market their heists to the masses. Please join in!

HINT: If youre already a MacHeist member, remember to LOG IN before you buy your loot. That way all the new loot will be listed with your past loot. If youre not a MacHeist member, be sure to REGISTER first. It will make your purchase as well as loot list sane and simple.

Share and Enjoy! (^_^)/



Available link for download