Monday, February 27, 2017
Langkah langkah Memperbaiki Printer Canon MP237 Mati Total
Langkah langkah Memperbaiki Printer Canon MP237 Mati Total
- Untuk printer mati total langkah pertama yang perlu anda perhatikan adalah coba anda cek sumber arus listrik PLN, pastikan apakah sumber listrik ada atau tidak? cek menggungakan taspen/bisa juga menggunakan multiteseter.
- Setelah langkah pertama kita pastikan sumber arus listrik ada dan printer tidak hidup, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah anda cek kabel power printer dengan multi tester dengan Omh atau bisa juga dengan menggunakan kabel lain/cadangan yang masih bagus.
- Kemudian setelah langkah yang kedua kita pastikan kabel power dalam kondisi normal tapi printer tetap belum bisa nyala, maka langkah yang berikutnya adalah dengan kita mengecek adaptor/power suply yang ada dibawah printer. Yaitu kita ambil dengan menggunakan obeng Min (-) dan ganti dengan adaptor yang baru atau kenibalan yang masih bagus.
- Langkah berikutnya ketika cara diatas belum juga menemukan hasil, maka pencarian kita selanjutnya adalah dengan mengecek sklar ON/OFF printer. Cek dengan menggunakan multi tester, jika rusak makan ganti dengan yang baru atau bagus.
- Apabila dari keempat langkah diatas tetap masih tidak berhasil juga makan bisa dipastikan mainboard dari printer mp237 kita short/rusak. Untuk memperbaikinya dibutuhkan keahlian khusus dan ketelitian serta kesabaran. Dibawah ini saya akan sedikit memberikan gambaran cara memperbaiki mainboard printer sesuai dengan pangalaman saya dilapangan.

- Bongkar printer dengan membuka kab belakang dengan melepas dua baut kemudian dilanjutkan membuka penutup panel atas bagian ON/OFF, lalu buka penutup samping dimana letak mainboard berada. Selanjutnya ambil mainboardnya.
- Perhatikan gambar mainboard diatas. Angka yang tertera pada gambar adalah urutan langkah yang akan kita lakukan.
- Pertama cek fuse/sekering di mainboard, cek dengan menggunakan multi tester. Jika ternyata putus makan lakukan penggantian dengan part yang baru, namun jika ternya fuse bagus maka langkah selanjutnya adalah dengan memeriksa dioda yang saya lingkari dan saya kasih nomor dua. Untuk mengecek komponen ini anda harus melepasnya terlebih dahulu dari papan board kemudian cek dengan menggunakan multi tester. Stel multi tester pada setingan omh dan cek dengan membolak balikkan probe/ujung multi tester ujung part dioda. Jika kita cek jarum bergerak kemudian kita balik jarum diam, maka diaoda dalam keadaan bagus. Akan tetapi jika kedua-duanya bergerak berarti dioada rusak dan perlu dilakukan penggantian dengan yang bagus.
- Langkah terakhir yang menjadi biang dari wafat nya printer ini adalah IC besar dengan banyak sekali kaki-kakinya ini seperti ditunjukan pada gambar dengan nomer 3. Untuk langkah ini harus dilakukan oleh ahlinya tidak semua orang bisa karena membutuhkan ketengan, ketelitian dan kesebaran yang tinggi.
- Jika Langkah-langkah diatas tetap tidak membuahkan hasil, disini saya sarankan untuk mainboard anda dil LEM BIRU (lempar beli yang baru, he he he...).
Available link for download
Lean Ape Living
Lean Ape Living
Lean Ape Living | The Complete Guide to Losing Weight, Getting Lean and Looking Good Naked!
Lean Ape Living
The Complete Guide to Losing Weight, Getting Lean and Looking Good Naked!
Want to look good naked?
Smile when you look in the mirror, clothes on, or off?
So did we. And now we do. And you can too. Its not difficult if you know what to eat, when to eat it, and are willing to do a few special exercises a few times a week.
Learn the Truth About Fat Loss and How to Stay Slim for Life.
We discovered a simple but very effective way to eat certain foods at certain times, and the results were simply amazing. What is sad is that the mainstream diet and exercise world dont tell us about it.
Well, you are about to find out how to change your body to an incredible degree, and easily.
Lean Ape Living is not a diet, not a short term dubious solution, and certainly not a program that will see you bouncing back to your original weight in a matter of weeks.
What is it then?
OK, let us explain exactly what this page is all about ..
But look, here is the bottom line. You need a plan. Something that you can follow easily, and something that ensures you get the weight loss results you want.
We can offer you this. A plan for life that will make you happy when you look in the mirror with your clothes off.
This is a Blueprint For a Lean and Toned Looking Body Most People Only Dream Of
And our promise to you?
If you dont like it then you get a full refund, no questions asked. So there is absolutely nothing to lose at all. All that will happen is that you either get results or get your money back. We are that confident about our approach to getting a great body, and keeping it looking great forever.
We all need a plan to follow to get results. The Lean Ape Living book is the culmination of 6 months worth of writing, and it works.
That is the bottom line.
Follow it and you will lose weight, look toned, and feel great.
Sexy, happy, and content. Its what we all want, isnt it?
You will never need to look for a way to lose weight again. And that is at the heart of this program. We give you a simple but very effective way to get the body that you have always dreamed of.
A Plan That Works
What if we told you that you can get a lean body whilst still eating great food and exercising for only 2 hours a week?
What if we told you that you could eat great food and exercise for only
1 hour a week
and get a great lean body?
Too good to be true?
Not at all, this is exactly what we do, and what we did to get lean bodies that are strong, athletic looking, and allow us to feel GREAT!
Before we introduce ourselves properly we want to make one thing totally clear. You are NOT about to go on a diet. You are simply about to change how you eat for the better, whilst still being able to enjoy all of your favorite foods at least once a week.
We have devised a way of living that allows you to lose weight easily and to finally get the body that you have always wanted. We base this way of living on a relatively low carbohydrate diet for a number of days a week. And you will be adding in resistance training to tone and sculpt your body to effectively make dramatic and permanent changes to how you look.
It doesnt require hours in the Gym, it doesnt mean you have to eat stupid foods, and it doesnt mean that you dread every day as you are feeling so lethargic (as you do with many so called
wonder diets
Here is what you are about to buy, IF you are serious about changing how you look. IF you want to lose weight easily, but also transform how you look once the excess weight is gone for good ..
2 books in one incredible package that will transform your life starting today!
This way of life has revolutionized how we look and feel, but it isnt complicated.
We explain the truth about fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and how they can all have either a very positive or very negative effect on your body, in terms of weight gain, and your appearance. We explain how to eat certain foods at certain times to lose weight easily, but also use the power of eating carbohydrates on certain days, and at certain times of the day, to build lean muscle whilst also losing fat.
This is a way of eating that takes you back to basics, gets rid of many carbohydrates (which are often the root cause of fat gain), and allows you to eat well, be happy, but see the scales moving in the right direction.
Today you are going to learn the truth about the cause of weight gain.
Learn how to get a six pack without ever doing any ab exercises.
Learn how to build a muscular or toned body working out for 1 hour a week
Learn why cardio is a bad idea; no need to spend hours spinning or running to lose weight
Learn how to eat what you love and lose weight
and why for many people breakfast stops you from losing weight; and what to do about it
And learn exactly how to:
Lets have a proper introduction then .
Welcome to the source of the Lean Ape Living handbook. A digital download guide written by us (David and Alexis) from the
Lean Ape blog
. This is not your usual pushy sales page, nor does it make outrageous claims.
We have personally put into practice all the advice we give, with some amazing results.
It began all so simply. A little bit of extra food here, and little extra snack there, and suddenly we turned around and we were fat!
Not obese, but larger than we had ever been in our lives. Stomachs protruded, we looked bad, and most importantly of all,
we didnt feel comfortable in our own skin.
Alexis began to get the shakes
, and feel crazy lows after eating high carb foods, and it led to more and more quick fix snacking, and yep you guessed it, more weight gained. Luckily we stopped all of this completely. We found simple yet entirely effective ways to change what we ate but still enjoy food.
We dont believe in shakes, supplements, or any kind of substitute for real food. We eat well, eat what we love, and lose weight at the same time. We learned how to get good looking bodies without expensive equipment, learned why cardio is not the best way to lose weight or get healthy and look good, and uncovered ways to time our eating for guaranteed fat loss and muscle gain.
Who are we?
We are just average people, with normal bodies and have an average response to exercise. We are not youngsters either, Dave is 39 and Alexis is 40! We are not nutritionists, personal trainers, or anything like that. But after realizing the state we had let our bodies get into we decided that enough was enough. And we did something about it. We did our research, and uncovered a lot of things most people simply do not know about nutrition and building a good looking body.
Much of it rather controversial until you see the results.
We have a hopefully chatty and easy to understand approach to this new way of life. And we hope that you too will become a part of the
Lean Ape Lifestyle
and transform yourself, and feel comfortable in your new and improved, and much tighter skin.
Let us teach you all of this, and so much more. This is
about getting hugely muscled and looking like a large bodybuilder. This
about getting a lean and toned, and nicely muscled look. A look that most people agree is what makes people look
Dave & Alexis
Your Breakfast May Be The Real Reason Why You Can Never Lose Weight
Eating cereal for breakfast may be the worst possible thing you could do. We share our findings, our results when we switched to a rather
controversial morning lifestyle change
. You may have already heard about
Intermittent Fasting
? Read about, and implement, our way to successfully implementing
Intermittent Fasting
into your life. Without feeling like you are ever going without great food.
We help you to understand, and put into practice, a variety of techniques that stop you gaining weight because of breakfast, and why a controversial technique based on the increasingly popular Intermittent Fasting Diet revolution turns you into a fat burning machine.
We discuss the best possible foods to eat in the morning, ones that allow you to stop weight gain, but also why missing your morning meal may be the secret to weight loss that you have been searching for.
Learn why breakfast is not the most important meal of the day
Why cereal is making you gain fat, be constantly hungry, and making you feel sluggish for the rest of the day
Learn how to mix timing your breakfast for maximum fat loss
and why certain foods should be avoided at all costs
PLUS using amazing techniques to lose fat rapidly and boost your metabolism at the same time
Learn How To Lose Weight AND Gain Lean Muscle Mass At The Same Time
One of the biggest myths in the diet and fitness world is that you cannot lose weight and gain lean muscle at the same time. We uncovered a little known method that allows you to do exactly this.
We tell you exactly how to eat, how to take advantage of the way your body reacts to certain foods at certain time, and how to use this to your advantage to
shed the pounds and get a lean and toned body that will be the envy of everyone.
We show you how to time your food intake, and what to eat, to lose fat and gain muscle
How to spike Insulin levels at the right time so you can eat large meals and never get fat
We show you the best exercises to gain muscle in just an hour a week
Why women will never get the bulky look, just look toned and lean
How men can maximize muscle gain for that masculine but lean look
Why the media has pulled the wool over our eyes for years
Why supplements are never needed
and how to transform yourself without it meaning spending your life in the Gym
Learn Why Many Carbs Such as Pasta Make Weight Loss Almost Impossible For Many People (if eaten at the wrong time)
We have developed a diet that takes advantage of the best from many different nutritional and diet choices.
We take the best from Low Carb, Paleo and proper nutrition and show you how to optimize fat loss without losing muscle mass.
We show you how to eat carbs at the right time to gain muscle without getting the highs and lows of carbohydrate intake that many people feel.
You will not be eliminating carbs totally, but you will learn when to eat them to maximize weight loss, add some muscle, and when you absolutely should NEVER eat things such as pasta, bread, rice or potatoes. This is so important to your success it is a crying shame we are not all told of this crucial factor in getting to our ideal bodyweight.
You may have heard of low carb diets?
We explain why you are never going to get optimal fat loss and a great looking body if you dont eat carbs a few times a week. Our diet optimizes how your body reacts to foods to ensure you make the best progress every single day.
Eating only low carb is NOT how to look great. You need to know how and when to take advantage of the response your body has to certain carbs to lose weight and get toned in the shortest period of time.
A Full Muscle Building Course To Make You Look Lean And Fantastic Naked
It doesnt matter if you have never lifted a weight in your life, or have been training for years. Very few people train in the best way to maximize their gains. Most people gain fat along with muscle and then spend months trying to lose the excess weight.
And they end up right back where they started!
We believe in keeping things as simple and brief as possible. And show you in full detail not only how to perform the right exercises the right way, but give you a full program to follow that allows you to progress from week to week.
You dont need to go to the gym
You can perform the routines with a few simple pieces of equipment at home
Suitable for both maximum muscle gain, or the very popular lean and toned look
Learn how to develop that all important firm butt
Develop a firm and strong chest
Get a six pack without ever doing direct abdominal work
And look amazing naked!
The routines we put together allow you to ease in gently to performing resistance training either through a few pieces of readily available equipment or with just bodyweight exercises. And we show you how to guarantee progress that can be measured on a weekly basis.
In a few months time you wont recognize yourself!
We were too. Especially once we found out just how badly we were contributing to weight gain because of what we were eating,
not just portion sizes.
But the Lean Ape Living book is laid out simply, explains everything, and allows you to follow a new lifestyle that will transform your appearance. And keep it that way.
Diets dont work, lifestyle changes do
Exercise can be fun and transform your physique
Cardio is not the best option, a few simple exercises that work the whole body can dramatically change your appearance
Eating low carb is fun and allows you to burn fat fast, if you take advantage of little known timing techniques
Using high carb meals at the right time allows you to pack on muscle
You HAVE to eat all your favorite foods (even junk food) once a week to keep your fat burning potential high
If you would like to get a new way of living, without it seeming like a chore, then we believe the Lean Ape Living book is about the most comprehensive guide you are ever going to find.
This is a way of life than the average person can follow with ease. And literally see their body transform every week when they look in the mirror.
It isnt a fad, or a short term fix, it is going to allow you to get lean, lose as much fat as you want, right down to getting ripped with a six pack if that is what you want.
We lay it all out in simple steps.
This is the plan that you have been searching for. You stick to it and you get results. And you can contact us at any time if you need any help at all.
What You Get
The Lean Ape Living Book is actually comprised of 2 complete guides in 1 HUGE package. Rather than offer them both separately we decided to offer them both in one purchase, so you have a complete set of references at hand to ENSURE that you get the results you
BOOK ONE: A Full Guide To Nutrition
What to eat, when to eat it, and
how to overeat and still lose weight
. How to use specific techniques to maximize fat loss and still enjoy your food.
These are the secrets that the food industry NEVER want YOU to learn about.
We give you all the details and advice that you will need to ACHIEVE your weight-loss goals as fast as possible.
What this is not is some fad diet. This is a way of eating that is going to transform how you look, and also how you feel. We dont encourage anything that you cannot stick to over the long term. And it doesnt seem like you are missing out on anything at all.
Learn the power of carb cycling to burn fat fast and still gain muscle
Why you NEED to cheat and overeat every week
A controversial approach that has revolutionized fat loss
Learn about the foods that make you fat, and you dont even know it
We show you how to keep your metabolism high and never enter starvation mode
and tell you the real reasons why you may not be losing weight, even if you have previously been on a calorie restricted diet
BOOK TWO: A Complete Guide To Exercise
We show you that you dont need cardio, all you need is a very effective full body resistance routine to transform your body.
Build muscle, look lean and athletic, and do it all without spending more than an hour or so a week training.
You dont need to be a Gym Monkey. In fact you dont need to go to the Gym at all!
We give you routines that can be performed either with just body weight, or with a few simple, and very cheap, pieces of equipment that will allow you to get a great body without making training take over your life. It allows you to look great without it being an obsession or an inconvenience to the busy lives we all lead.
Maximize your muscle potential in just 60 minutes a week
The power of just a few exercises the fitness industry doesnt want you to know about
One simple truth you never hear about that packs on lean muscle like nothing else
Get the look everyone wants: Lean and toned and irresistible to the opposite sex (or the same!)
Learn why machines may be stopping you gaining muscle in the best way
Build a desirable body without training taking over your life
This is really two complete books in one simple package that will help you transform your life and get the body that
And feel comfortable in your own skin.
OK Dave and Alexis, I am interested. These kinds of books are usually really expensive, right?
Not this one!
We have set the price for the complete course at about the cost of just a few of your favorite fancy drinks at a local Coffee Shop! Minus the cost of the muffins, of course!! Our package of two books in one is priced much lower than anything else you will find.
And this is because we want you to succeed.
That means you can buy this huge book (six months in the making) for $14.99. If you think changing how you look dramatically is worth this price then you know what to do. This is not some throwaway book you read just once, our happy customers tell us they refer to it time and time again to stay motivated. And to ensure they digest all the information this book contains. This is a dramatic life change, and we, and those that have bought this guide, believe the price is more than worth it for the results that you are going to get.
And hey, there is a no-nonsense money back guarantee anyway, so if you buy and dont believe it will deliver results then you can get all of your money back with absolutely no argument from us.
This is a plan for life. If you think that a body you are proud of is worth $14.99, 6 months of our time in terms of writing, paying for professional editing, and a beautiful package you can refer to for years to come, then what are you waiting for?
Lets change your body starting today.
We will help you every step of the way. Everyone that buys has unlimited access to us for advice and motivation whenever they want it.
This is a digital download in eBook format. Once you buy you can begin to change your life immediately. No waiting for it to arrive in the mail. Your body transformation begins in just a few seconds from now!!!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a diet?
We dont look at it like that. This is a new way of eating that you will carry on forever. It doesnt starve you and it leaves you feeling full and full of vitality.
Is it low carb?
In part it is low carb. But mixed with techniques that mean you eat high carb at certain times of the week.
Can it be used if I am Paleo?
Absolutely, it is a way of eating that can be combined with a number of new lifestyle choices many are now adopting.
Can I eat junk food?
We know the importance of breaking the rules now and then, and actually having a splurge once a week is recommended. Both to stop your metabolism slowing down, and for your own sanity.
So, yes, you get to eat what you want at least once a week.
How is this different to other diets?
This is not a diet.
It is a way of life.
It shows you how to control your appetite, how to lose fat without it being a struggle, and more importantly how to
keep the weight off once you have lost it.
It is not a short term fix, it is a new way of living.
How important is the exercise part of the book?
Very. Without performing a resistance routine a few times a week you are going to end up
skinny fat
. The routines we recommend are short and enjoyable, and based around progression from one week to the next.
They motivate you to succeed and deliver results.
It doesnt matter what weight you start out out, we give you routines based on your level of strength, and also take into account the level of body fat that you have.
No cardio?
Thats right, no cardio. We dont believe it is the most effective use of your time for weight loss or for a good looking body. It may actually harm your progress.
Will I get huge muscles?
Only if you are genetically disposed to getting them. Most people are not. But men can get a well developed body that is better than almost anyone elsess, and women will look toned and athletic.
Is this suitable for women and men?
Absolutely. We perform very similar routines and eat the same, and get the same results.
A more toned and good looking body with consistent weight loss.
Women will not get muscle bound
, it is almost impossible for females to get large muscles. And with our program it is not likely unless you are already well muscled before you even begin.
Is this suitable for vegetarians?
Absolutely. As long as you can eat good sources of protein rich food then this is absolutely suitable for vegetarians wishing to look great, be strong, and get a fantastic lean figure. In fact we have a whole chapter dedicated to showing vegetarians just how well they can do on the Lean Ape Living plan.
Thanks for reading, and we hope this has not come across as too much of a sales pitch. We really do want you to go about transforming your body in the best possible way.
And we feel that what we have learned should be shared.
Please come and visit us at the
Lean Ape blog
for regular articles, tasty recipes written by Alexis, called the
Dinner Diaries
, and hugely informative articles like the EPIC
100 steps to YOUR perfect body
. Plus guides to important ways to fast track weight loss by using techniques such as
intermittent fasting for weight loss
. Women will love the article on the
all natural boob job
, there has been a great response to the article on
how to get a toned body
, and the
guide to Insulin and how it effects your weight loss and muscle growth
is a must read!
And dont forget about all our free
fitness videos
as well! We are also on YouTube where you can
subscribe to our channel
for updates when we add new How Tos for the best exercises to get toned and build muscle.
Hope to see you there
Dave & Alexis
Please share with your friends and family. Thanks.
p.s Regardless of if you buy the book or not, or just follow the blog, feel free to contact us whenever you wish. You can email either dave or alexis anytime. If we can help you in any way then we will try our best to do so.
p.p.s If you take only one thing away from what you have read then please let it be this: Start today. The sooner you begin to change your life the happier and more content you will feel within yourself.
Please note: You are purchasing a digital product in .pdf format. Viewable with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader on computers, or on smart devices, Kindles, iPads etc. Once payment is made you will instantly be directed to a page to download the Lean Ape Living book. You will NOT receive a physical copy in the mail.
Copyright © 2012-2013
Lean Ape
: How To Lose Weight, Get Lean, Build Muscle and Look Good Naked
Lose Weight, Get Lean: Look Good Naked!
: The Lean Ape Living Guide Has The Answer
Dont forget to read the disclaimer:
Due to recent statements from the FTC, we should identify what a "typical" result is. Honestly: most people never do anything with the products they buy. So for most people, for most of the time, their typical results are a big fat zero.
The biggest factor is
. Dont be "most people". is a Lazy Frog Productions website.
Lazy Frog Ltd. Registered Office: 145-157 St John Street, London, EC1V 4PW, UK Company Number: 08487601Read more detail
Result of Lean Ape Living

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Lock Folder XP 3 7 8 0
Lock Folder XP 3 7 8 0

Penting untuk perlindungan efektif dari akses yang tidak sah, sejak lebih dari 80% dari laporan pelanggaran keamanan datang dari dalam organisasi, bukan hacker! Penguncian file, folder dan drive adalah cara terbaik untuk menjamin bahwa secara tidak sengaja atau tidak sengaja mendapatkan akses ke keuangan, kesehatan, informasi pribadi atau rahasia.
Dan sejak penguncian file, folder atau drive yang membuat mereka tidak kelihatan, mereka tidak dapat dihapus, rusak atau dirugikan dalam cara lain. Bahkan jika sebuah virus akan diperkenalkan kepada sistem anda, anda terkunci folder tidak akan terdeteksi, terinfeksi atau dirugikan. Berikut adalah bagian penting - Lock Folder XP menggunakan enkripsi standar yang diakui oleh Pemerintah AS.
Tapi jangan berpikir bahwa Lock Folder XP hanya dapat digunakan di lingkungan perusahaan - aplikasi ini sangat cocok untuk rumah juga. Jika anda memiliki laptop dan sering bepergian, kami menyarankan Anda mendapatkan Lock Folder XP. Setelah semua, jika Anda mendapat notebook hilang atau dicuri, Anda tidak ingin orang asing untuk melihat data keuangan, kartu kredit atau nomor jaminan sosial. Lock Folder XP didistribusikan secara elektronik melalui Internet.
Here are some key features of "Lock Folder XP":
-Ability to hide files, folders, or drives from all other users (including the administrator).
-Password protection for files, folders, and drives.
-Unlimited number of objects to protect.
-Access restrictions on your data against local network users as well as Internet users.
-Ability to lock your Windows desktop so that users cannot delete, add, or modify the shortcuts and icons on your desktop.
-Password-protected start of Lock Folder XP.
-Ability to managing program from tray.
-Windows Explorer commands for instant folder hiding.
-Automatic protection activation after a set idle time.
-High-level protection.
-High performance rates.
-Multilingual interface.
-Support of FAT, FAT32, and NTFS systems.
Download Lock Folder XP dibawah ini :
Via Ziddu - 3.26 Mb

Available link for download
Linux Kernel 3 7 VMWare Workstation and NVidia Driver
Linux Kernel 3 7 VMWare Workstation and NVidia Driver
I have just built Linux Kernel 3.7 and its now running on my desktop and also my workstation at the office. On my desktop, i have to make sure that the new Linux Kernel doesnt break with two things: NVidia Driver and VMWare Workstation. Well, it seems that both are simply broken in the Linux Kernel 3.7. BUT, theres a simple solution for both problem.
VMWare Workstation:
run this command:
ln -s /usr/src/linux-3.7/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h /usr/src/linux-3.7/include/linux/version.h
vmware-modconfig --console --install-all
NVidia Driver NVIDIA-Linux-x86-304.64:
Download patch
gzip -d patch_nvidia_304_60.run_for_3.7
If you are running the latest NVidia Driver 310.19, you dont need to apply any patches at all. Its already compatible with the latest Linux Kernel 3.7.
Heres the output in my desktop:
Linux desktop 3.7.0-smp #1 SMP Wed Dec 12 07:03:05 WIT 2012 i686 Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5300 @ 2.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
Available link for download
Lightroom Week 1 Notes
Lightroom Week 1 Notes
Welcome to the Clark College Lightroom Class.
This is an outline of Week ones class discussion with web links.
Generally the Lightroom Primer website has detailed notes covering class material and discussions. If details need to be added you will find them in these class blog notes, or I will update the website.
If you have questions contact me via e-mail, or leave a comment
The Lightroom Primer website is
Things you Need to Do Before You begin using Lightroom
1. Calibrate your Monitor
At the bare minimum you should make sure that you set the Brightness and Contrast of your monitor.
On the Mac go through these steps
In System Preferences choose
Hardware > Displays > Color > Calibrate
and Follow the steps
On the PC
If you have Windows 7 or 8, Youll find calibration software in the Control Panel
To start Display Color Calibration
Open Display Color Calibration by clicking the Start button
, and then clickingControl Panel. In the search box, type calibrate display, and then clickCalibrate display color.?
If youre prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
In Display Color Calibration, click Next to continue.
For more details go to this web page Calibrating Your Monitor
2. Establish a plan to ingest AND backup your Photographs
The Structure of your Main Photo hard drive and the backup hard drive should look like this, Your backup drive would have a different name
The folders are at the "root" of the Hard drive.
If the Drive with the Working Catalogue fails You just need to disconnect the failed drive, rename the backup drive with the name of the working drive In this case Photo2, when you startup Lightroom, it will immediately find your catalogue and photos!!!
This method also allows the easy transport of All your photos and the Lightroom Catalogue!
3. Fill out and save your IPTC Metadata Preset
In Lightroom
Menu item:
Metadata > Edit Metadata Presets
If you want to learn more about IPTC (International Press Communications Council) Metadata check out their website
4. Extra: Here are two excellent videos
How Lightroom works A video by George Jardine (This should be required viewing for ALL Lightroom users. )
And here is a video on how to use the Filter bar, A Free sample Movie by George Jardine
Its a really REALLY good tutorial on how to use the Filter Bar.
That should do it for now If you have a question holler
Available link for download
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Koi Fish Care Made Easy
Koi Fish Care Made Easy
Koi Fish Care and Koi Pond Tips
"Discover the Secrets of Spectacular Koi Ponds, With Fish that are Thriving, Happy and in Amazingly Good Health...
Even if Your Current Pond is Disappointing
Your Fish are Sick, or
You Have Never Owned Koi Fish Before!"
These are the Koi Pond Secrets ... The Experts Never Share and Dont Want You to Know!
Discover some amazing facts about Koi Pond and Koi Fish care... and why you
shouldnt even think about setting up a Koi pond until you read every word of this
A Koi pond is a marvelously satisfying hobby that will not only
provide you years of enjoyment, but may also have a calming affect on
you after a hectic day at work.
Yes! Caring for a Koi pond and its fish is different than freshwater
and even saltwater fish. But, its easier than you think . . . if you
know what to do.
Koi fish thrive when the pond conditions are "just
right"...unfortunately there is a ton of *wrong* information out there
on how to do this.
From: John Stoner, Tuesday 3:23 PM
Dear Friend,
Did you just create a koi pond and
have no idea how to care for it?
Do you already have your koi pond set up and want to ensure that youre
providing the
right environment
for all of its inhabitants . . . to keep
them healthy,
happy and thriving
for years to come?
Are you interested in learning the
best, fastest and easiest way
maintain the beauty of your koi pond
spending a lot of money
on supplies?
If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, then this may very
well be the most exciting message youve read all day. Heres why...
Youre about to discover a proven system for
optimizing the health and
, and
of all of your fish and marine life currently
living in your koi pond.
This system works whether your fish are
currently healthy or sick, young or old.
Heres the thing: Koi ponds are not as difficult to maintain as you
Believe it or not, there are
several very simple steps
you need to take.
And if you know what theses are your koi will live a
long and healthy life
and bring you
years of enjoyment.
When you know how to
keep your pond conditions perfect
, you can sit back
and relax because your all of your fish will stay
alert, interactive and
What most people dont realize is that creating your pond the right way
is extremely easy to do.
I know, because...
Ive been maintaining a koi pond for over 25 years!
In that time, Ive developed a
foolproof formula
for setting up
beautiful Koi ponds with perfect water conditions
maximize the health,
energy and awareness
of your fish for years to come, and virtually
any chance that your fish will ever get sick.
Ive compiled all my knowledge into an easy to follow, downloadable guide
Koi Fish Care Made Easy
This system is
guaranteed to teach you everything you need to know about
koi pond care
and help you
maximize some of the most endearing traits
these unique fish which live in this environment.
I know thats a bold promise and it might sound a little "over the top"
...but its true, and I can back up every word.
Here Are Three Good Reasons To Believe Me When I Tell You Your Koi Pond
Will Provide You with Years of Enjoyment and Entertainment
Hundreds of other Koi pond owners use this very same system youll be using.
In the past 4 weeks alone, over 25 people have signed up to
receive my exclusive Koi Pond Secrets newsletter.
Im the only person in the training industry thatll let you keep
his entire system FREE if it doesnt work for your Koi Pond.
Nobody else in is willing to put their "money where their mouth is" like
The bottom line is this: My system is 100% guaranteed to work for you
...just like its worked for hundreds of other Koi Pond owners before you.
If youve created a koi pond in the past unsuccessfully, then this
book is for you.
If you just built your koi pond and have no idea how to care for it
properly, this is for you.
If youre thinking about building koi pond and you want to make sure
you start out on the right foot, this is for you.
In my course I will teach you a
koi pond care formula.
This formula is a
simple step-by-step plan
you will
follow starting with setting up the perfect environment for
the fish.
Theres even
advice on what fish you should or shouldnt place together
your Koi pond.
Of course, I also provide step by step
"quick cure"
for every single aspect of koi pond maintenance.
So, youll have complete
peace of mind knowing that if your koi pond does need attention, youll have
the knowledge to quickly and inexpensively fix the problem.
My sure-fire koi pond system has been tested, tweaked, and used by over
100 koi pond owners.
The reason why its so popular is simple: It Works Like Gangbusters!
Theres nothing like it available...not in bookstores, at, or
even on the Internet.
See, what most people dont realize is that
maintaining a Koi pond is
extremely simple.
You just need to know what to do, and how to do it!
Even if youre a total beginner and havent got a clue where to start,
you can be enjoying the benefits of your Koi pond within a very short time!
There are essentially 3 main things you need to know about Koi pondcare:
How to build the koi pond properly.
How to maintain quality conditions in your koi pond.
How to cure your koi should they get sick.
Koi Fish Care Made Easy covers all of this,
and a lot more.
And when you read it, youll be BLOWN AWAY with how simple it really is
to not only build but maintain your Koi pond.
Heres just a taste of what youll discover...
An entire chapter devoted to the varieties of koi fish
Where to buy and what to look for when buying koi fish
A step-by-step easy to use guide on building your own koi pond
All the essentials youll need to know to keep your koi pond
beautiful for years to come.
The importance of substrate and why this is a crucial component of
your Koi pond tank. Ill tell you what type of substrate to buy and how
much to use.
How to feed your koi fish from the essential nutrient guide to
supplements to food storage!
An entire chapter devoted to diseases of the koi and how to treat
them. Theres even a section on what to do should you ever need to
quarantine one of your koi
Everything youll need to know when you breed koi fish from the
mating to feeding the fry.
The fundamental differences between Koi and Goldfish
Which fish you should never add to your Koi pond. This is an
important one! Put the wrong fish together and they could eat each other
How to calculate the number of fish you need for the size of your
7 vital factors to consider before building your koi pond. Ignore
these and you may regret even starting this marvelous hobby.
Essential characteristics you should look for when you buy your
koi fish
A must-do check list to prepare your koi pond for your fish.
The three most popular types of liners for your ponds. Knowing which
one to install for your special needs is essential to your success
A crash course on filtration needs. Without the proper system, the
waste products just wont be removed properly and could harm your fish
5 basic water quality items you need to address for the success of
your koi pond.
5 ways to protect your koi fish from natural predators
11 tips on keeping your koi pond water clean and your koi fish
An entire chapter devoted to the maintenance of the pond itself
4 dangers of not properly acclimating your koi to their new pond
6 sure-fire steps to assure your koi make the transition from store
to your pond
The supplies you need for your fish even before you bring them
The 2 reasons to quarantine a sick koi and the 7 steps to doing it
And thats not nearly all.
Youll discover much more in this rare and candid Koi pond care system.
And whats really great is that...
You Can Be Absorbing This Amazing Koi pond Care System In The Next 2 Minutes!
You can order this amazing system right now and actually start
discovering these Koi pond care secrets within 2 minutes... yes, thats
right... WITHIN 2 minutes
you can have the secrets to a beautiful Koi pond that
practically runs itself!
Thats because Ive taken the entire system and turned it into a
downloadable eBook.
All you need to do is open the eBook on your computer and begin reading!
But dont worry, downloading the information in
Koi Fish Care Made Easy
is a real snap. Im no "techno whiz" and I had no problem. (It
works perfectly with both MAC or PC computers.)
Click here to place your secure order and get instant access!
Ordering Is Safe, Easy, And Secure
Like I said earlier, you can place your order right now and start
benefiting from this entire system 2 minutes later.
The way it works is simple and fast.
Just click one of the blue links and youll be taken to my 100% secure
order page.
After your payment, youll be
taken to the "Download Page" where you can instantly download the entire
This downloadable guide reveals some
closely guarded secrets that have
transformed hundreds of other Koi pond owners...and continue to be used by an
average of 20 new Koi pond owners per day.
Click here to order right now and start caring for your Koi pond the right way today.
Youll be thrilled with how fast, fun, and easy it is to care for your
Koi pond once you learn the right way to do it.
This information-packed guide would normally sels for over $20 in an offline
"physical" format.
But now weve
made his sensational resource
Koi Fish Care Made Easy
which contains
my entire Koi pond care system, available to you as a downloadable ebook
directly accessible from the Internet for only
This way I have no inventory and no fulfillment costs. I dont need to
pay anyone to take the orders over the phone. This way I can pass along my
cost savings to you. So you win and I win. But dont worry, downloading the
information in
Koi Fish Care Made Easy
is a real snap. Im no
"techno whiz" and I had no problem. (It works perfectly with both MAC or PC
Even at a higher price, itd be a bargain because this system works like
I know from first hand, personal experience that it does and Im so
confident youll love it that Im offering the following guarantee:
My Personal 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
Let Me Protect Your Investment... And Make Your Decision Risk Free
have no doubt that if you grab your copy of
Koi Fish Care Made Easy
put it to use, you will end up with a magnificent looking and
effeciently working Koi pond that will make your friends and family
jealous... Plus you will have an incredibly satisfying time during the
But I also want you to know that you AND your investment are safe.
So heres what Im going to do for you...
you download your copy of Koi FishCare Made Easy, open it
up and use
it. See if the information will benefit you.
If the information is not for
you, simply let me know
within 60 Days and I will refund you in full...
No questions asked!
believe in giving people what they paid for, so if you dont honestly
feel that you could write to me saying how good the information is, I
want to give back your money!
And frankly, Im a stand
up person, if you feel the information is not worth the price you paid,
Ill gladly issue you a refund.
Im sure you will agree... that is a very fair deal?
You have absolutely no risk...and everything to gain!
Youll be thrilled with
Koi Fish Care Made Easy
be overjoyed by how much fun it is to have a beautiful and efficient Koi
pond that will provide you with enjoyment for years to come.
Heres How To Order Right Now!
Instant Access
Purchase Online by Secure Server.
It dosent matter if its 2am in the morning
Click Here to Order Now
Order online safely and securely
100% secure
Once your payment is made, you will be taken to a special download pagewhere you will
download Koi Fish Care Made Easy.
You will be downloading and reading the book within minutes... and be well on the way to
creating a spectacular Koi pond.
Wishing you years of fun and happiness with your koi pond.
Fellow Koi Fish Lover
Discover the Secrets of Spectacular Koi Ponds, With Fish that are Thriving, Happy and in Amazingly Good Health... Now you can have this amazingly easy to follow method for having your own spectacular Koi fish pond.
Click here to get your own copy now!
Privacy Policy
Terms of Use
Contact Us All Rights ReservedRead more detail
Result of Koi Fish Care Made Easy

Available link for download
Landasan Gerakan Pramuka
Landasan Gerakan Pramuka
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Available link for download
Just 59 99 Nexus 4 wireless charger
Just 59 99 Nexus 4 wireless charger
Google just announced that its Nexus 4
wireless charger finally available through Google Play Store for $59.99. The
Nexus 4 wireless charger will available with five charger limit. According to
Google, the Nexus wireless charger comes with Qi wireless technology.

Available link for download
KMSnano 12 1 Final
KMSnano 12 1 Final
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Khud Aitimadi Guftugu Aur Dosti Ka Fun
Khud Aitimadi Guftugu Aur Dosti Ka Fun
Khud Aitimadi Guftugu Aur Dosti Ka Fun Pdf Book Free Download

Khud aitimadi guftugu aur dosti ka fun, the art of self-confidence, dialogue and friendship is a beautiful self-help pdf book written by Mr. Waqar Aziz.
Click Here to Download
Available link for download
Korban Lautan
Korban Lautan
Setelah beberapa lagu pujian seperti biasanya pada hari minggu, pembicara gereja bangkit berdiri dan perlahan-lahan berjalan menuju mimbar untuk berkhotbah. "Seorang ayah dan anaknya serta teman anaknya pergi berlayar ke samudra Pasifik", dia memulai, "ketika dengan cepat badai mendekat dan menghalangi jalan untuk kembali ke darat. Ombak sangat tinggi, sehingga meskipun sang ayah seorang pelaut berpengalaman, ia tidak dapat lagi mengendalikan perahu sehingga mereka bertiga terlempar ke lautan."
Pengkotbah berhenti sejenak, dan memandang mata dua orang remaja yang mendengarkan cerita tersebut dengan penuh perhatian. Dia melanjutkan, "Dengan menggenggam tali penyelamat, sang ayah harus membuat keputusan yang sangat sulit dalam hidupnya....kepada anak yang mana akan dilemparkannya tali penyelamat itu. Dia hanya punya beberapa detik untuk membuat keputusan. Sang ayah tahu bahwa anaknya adalah seorang pengikut Kristus, dan dia juga tahu bahwa teman anaknya bukan.
Pergumulan yang menyertai proses pengambilan keputusan ini tidaklah dapat dibandingk
... baca selengkapnya di Korban Lautan Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor Satu
Available link for download