Wednesday, February 22, 2017

LibreOffice 4 0 1

LibreOffice 4 0 1

Announcements from The Document Foundation:

Berlin, March 6, 2013 - The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 4.0.1, for Windows, MacOS and Linux, the first release after the successful launch of LibreOffice 4.0 in early February, which has yielded rates of entirely new client IP addresses requesting updates each day over the 100,000 mark (they were just 25,000 one year ago).

LibreOffice Impress Remote is now available for all platforms - Linux, MacOS and Windows - from Google Play ( How to instructions are available on the wiki:

The new release is a step forward in the process of improving the overall quality and stability of LibreOffice 4.0. For enterprise adoptions, though, The Document Foundation suggests the more solid and stable LibreOffice 3.6.5, backed by certified level 3 support engineers.

The Documentation team has also released the guide "Getting Started with LibreOffice 4.0", which is available in PDF and ODF formats from the website ( and as a printed book from Lulu (

LibreOffice users, free software advocates and community members can support The Document Foundation - infrastructure, marketing, community development - with a donation. There is a donation page - with many options including PayPal and credit cards - at

LibreOffice 4.0.1 is available for immediate download from the following link: Extensions for LibreOffice are available from the following link:

The change logs are available from (fixed in and (fixed in

Available link for download