Monday, February 20, 2017
Just Cause 2 Pc Repack Version By CorePack
Just Cause 2 Pc Repack Version By CorePack
Just Cause 2 Pc is an action adventure games developed by avalanches studios and published by Eidos Interactive and Square Enix. In the Just Cause 2 PC games is you will play as Rico Rodriguez who is a US government agency assigned to disguised as a mercenary in a hard country in Asia. Within these games you will feel the sensation to become a secret agent in disguise. Like a real secret agent, in Just Cause 2 PC games is you can control a variety of weapons and vehicles. Many new action that can be found in the games Just Cause 2 PCs. So soon you download Just Cause 2 Pc this right now and feel the fun games this one.
Release Info:
- Languages: English
- Repack Size: 1 Gb
- Final Size: 4 Gb
- Size Required: 6 Gb
- Ripped / Remove: Other languages ??except English
- Cracked By: SKIDROW
- Just Cause 2 Requirements
- OS: Windows Vista / 7
- Processor: Dual-Core CPUs (Athlon 64 X2 4200 / Pentium D @ 3 GHz)
- Memory: 2 GB
- Hard Drive: 10 GB Free
- Video Memory: 256 MB (NVIDIA GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro)
- Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
- DirectX: 10
New Features
- The game uses the Avalanche 2.0 engine, improving upon the engine from the first game.
- The AI ??has been rewritten to use a planning system to use the environment to Reviews their advantage, take cover and avoid damage.
- The aiming system has been revamped. A new hybrid system Allows the player to lock on and fire at enemies while still controlling the cross-hair. Additionally, it is now possible to a target specific body parts for Appropriate effects (i.e. head shots do heavy damage, knee shots cripple and slow movement).
- A new adaptive difficulty system, making the game react on the players SUCCESSES and failures. For example, causing general chaos faction successfully causes the government to heighten security by adding more guards at important locations.
- New vehicles have been added, Including a jumbo jet.
- Each vehicle now controls somewhat differently. Land vehicles Also will take into account the type of terrain the player is traversing: Certain vehicles will fare better or worse on different sorts of terrain (such as a sports car doing well on flat asphalt, but poorly off-road).
- Vehicles deform more realistically in real-time, allowing individual parts to break or come loose.
- Several new weapons have been added, such as a rocket launcher with a laser-guided rockets, a one-handed grenade launcher, remote-triggered sticky C4, and a detachable mounted mini-gun.
- On the Playstation 3, players have the ability to record Reviews their exploits. The game automatically records the last 30 seconds of gameplay by default (though this can be disabled); Alternatively, the game can be manually set to record a sequence of up to 10 minutes. The the resulting video can either be saved to the PS3s hard drive or uploaded to YouTube Directly.
- The grappling hook no longer has to be selected like a weapon allowing you to use it in conjunction with the parachute to traverse the environment very quickly intervening.
How to Install:
- Download and extract the file "Just Cause 2 Pc Repack Version By CorePack" is.
- Mount the extracted ISO file, or you can also directly extract the ISO file with winrar program.
- Install 2x the game by clicking on the setup file.
- Play the game from a shortcut on the desktop.
- done

Download Link
Size: 1,1Gb
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Source Here
Available link for download