Saturday, February 4, 2017

Kim Kincaid

Kim Kincaid


The amount of people that work in Science Fiction and Fantasy publishing is actually much smaller than many people would think. Everybody knows everybody else one way or another. Either through some convention, or a workshop, or a friend of a friend. It is a surprisingly tight knit community.

As a result, this genre fosters a very deep sense of camaraderie. I know its cliché to say, but I really do think of my peers as family.

These are the people with whom we share our passions, our trials, our failures, and our hopes. These are the people who are the very first to pat you on the back and congratulate you when you make a piece of art thats the best youve ever made. These are the people who are eager to lend a hand or a critical eye when youre doubting your abilities and need it most. These are the people whose opinions we hold most dear, and without whom this job wouldnt be nearly as rewarding.

I am so sorry to say, that we lost a member of that family yesterday. Kimberly Kincaid passed away suddenly due to unexpected kidney complications.

Anyone who has met Kim knows Im not exaggerating in the least when I say that she was truly one of the most loving people Ive ever met. Every word from her mouth, and every smile she gave you, exuded kindness and sincerity. There was a spark in Kim. Something intangible that I cant quite put into words. But it shone so brightly, and so warmly, that you couldnt help but to want to be close to it. I cant help but feel that this world is going to be a little bit dimmer without Kim in it.

Kim was a talented artist, and a life-long student. She began pursuing art quite late in life, and did so with a fervor and determination that all of her peers admired. She was proof that its never too late to pursue your dreams. A few years ago, Kim won the Rising Stars award here on Muddy Colors. She received free exhibition space at Spectrum Fantastic Art Live, where, at the age of 60, she sold her very first piece of original art.

In just the few short years since then, Kim went on to make a name for herself as one of the most promising illustrators in the field. She has been included in Spectrum, Imagine FX Magazine, and has been accepted into the Society of Illustrators West Annual Exhibition. She was included in the Women of Wonder art book, contributed monthly to Every Day Original, and most recently was selected to be part of the Dream Covers exhibition at Krab Jab Gallery.

I cant say enough good things about Kim. And even if I did, they wouldnt come close to capturing what a beautiful person she really was. So instead, I will say this... Kim is genuinely one of the most lovely people Ive ever had the pleasure of getting to know. She is leaving a hole in the hearts of so many people that simply can not be filled by anyone else. She will be dearly, dearly missed.

If youre lucky enough to have met Kim, I encourage you to share your memories of her in our comments section.

You can see more of Kims work at:

Or, if youd like to learn more about Kim in her own words, you can read her blog here:

An interview here:

And here:


There will be a graveside service for Kim next Tuesday, May 3rd at 11am. All friends are welcome to attend. The service is to be held at the Kaysville Cemetery, 500 Crestwood Rd., Kaysville, Utah.

And for those looking for ways to honor her memory...

Kim had an immense love of animals. If you are looking for a way to help, and are so inclined, her family asks that you donate to your local Humane Society in lieu of sending flowers. You can donate HERE.

Or, consider donating to the Missionary Fund for Kims church HERE. Kim was a very devout individual, and credited two missionaries for helping her find her faith.

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