Wednesday, February 8, 2017



include "/opt/gnome/share/themes/XXX/gtk/gtkrc"
style "user-font"
font_name="Adobe Helvetica 12"
widget_class "*" style "user-font"
gtk-font-name="Adobe Helvetica 12"

?????????????????????export|grep gtk?????????????????GTK2_RC_FILES?GTK_RC_FILES?????????GTK2?GTK1????????????????.gtkrc-2.0?????????????.gtkrc-2.0-alloy?>:-<??alloy???KDE?theme??????startkde??script???????
???????cookie? ????????????????????????root?????????GTK?????Ethereal???????root?????.gtkrc-2.0-xxx???????????????.gtkrc-2.0????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
2010-02-18 15:55
????????GNOME ???KDE??????GTK???openoffice?firefox????KDE????????????????

pacman -S qtcurve-gtk2 qtcurve-kde4
pacman -S gtk-theme-switch2



Available for qt4 (kde4), qt3 (kde3), and gtk2 (gnome) in the [extra] repository, this highly-configurable style is the most popular all-rounder. It has many controls for various options, ranging from the appearance of buttons to the shape of sliders. You can install all of them using pacman.
# pacman -S qtcurve-gtk2 qtcurve-kde4


This one is for use by GTK+ applications running in KDE, which basically means this is for KDE. It applies all Qt settings (styles, fonts, not icons though) to the GTK+ applications and uses the style plug-ins directly. Please note that there are rendering issues with some Qt styles.
# pacman -S gtk-qt-engine
You can access it from:
Control Center (kcontrol) --> Appearance & Themes --> GTK Styles and Fonts
If you want to remove it entirely and every trace of it, you should delete the following files:
  • ~/.gtkrc2.0-kde
  • ~/.kde4/env/
  • ~/gtk-qt-engine.rc

#pacman -S gtk-qt-engine

#pacman -S gtk2_prefs
# pacman -S gtk2-themes-collection

????~/.gtkrc-2.0 ??
gtk-icon-theme-name = "Tango"
...more gtk2 settings...

Available link for download