Saturday, December 31, 2016
Long time no see
Long time no see
Sorry for quite a late update..1.6 months is quite some time to be quiet (pardon for the pun). I was fiddling with reverse engineering tools, working with Secugenius, meeting old friends & more..and I guess the vacation is over..I have moved on to Linux (Fedora 13, Goddard) & I am enjoying every bit of it..I have moved on to my final year of engineering and have been getting quite a lot of job offers lately. Was pondering over the possibilities while fiddling with my interests :)
Well..I am back,& have met quite some folks in the mean time..Will be sharing my experiences hers..
stay tuned & thanks for supporting my blog in the mean time..
Rishabh Dangwal
Available link for download
Bagi agan yg memerlukan komputer dg spek lumayan tinggi, kami necomp menjual cpu build up merk dell optiplex 755,745,760 untuk order minimal 10 pcs kami kasih harga 849 rb, dg spec intel CORE2DUO 2,0 GHZ,RAM 2GB DDR2,HDD SATA 80 GB,DVD, M0DEL SLIM...KALAU JUAL PERPCS@ 949 RB...KAMI JUGA MENJUAL MOBO,RAM,HDD SECOND dg kualitas oke..hub 085921192260 , bb.7FA66D3A..garansi 1 minggu THANKS
Available link for download
Learn and Play with Typography Games
Learn and Play with Typography Games

Read More
Available link for download
Kaspersky Mobile Security 9 for Android and Blackberry antivirus for the smartphone
Kaspersky Mobile Security 9 for Android and Blackberry antivirus for the smartphone

The rise of the smartphones also has disadvantages: in recent years, smartphones, their applications, browsers and processors become no less powerful than our PCs, and are used for tasks and assignments. If theres one thing PCs are characterized with (especially those running Windows) its security breaches. Viruses, malware and Trojan horses are terms that still bring fear into users hearts and force them to use an effective antivirus, like Kaspersky a veteran in the arena of PC antivirus.
Kaspersky Mobile Security is the companys product that purports to provide a collection of tools to maintain privacy and security on our smartphone. This is not just an antivirus but an entire package that contains firewall, tools to fight theft of loss of the device, call filter and more. Version 9 that was issued in the beginning of the year with support to Windows Mobile and Symbian received a significant update that added support to Android (versions 1.6 to 2.2) and Blackberry (versions 4.5 to 6.0) but not the new Windows Phone 7 by Microsoft.
Unlike other solutions for the Blackberry and Android that exist on the market, Kaspersky doesnt have a free version for the application and the application is offered at a license limited to one device at a relatively higher price than common in the smartphones market. In order to gain access to the application in any of the four supported OS youll have to part with $29.95 per year. A trial period of one week is available after which youll have to decide whether you want to continue.
The applications installation is a little complicated because it is not done through the Android Market or Blackberry application store but by entering Kasperskys website and downloading an outside file. On the Android youll have to enable the download of an application from an unknown origin and then follow the instructions. On the Blackberry youll have to authorize a series of authorizations for the application during the installation.
Available link for download
Lowongan Honda Prospect Motor
Lowongan Honda Prospect Motor
Jl. Gaya Motor I Sunter II,
Jakarta Utara 14330, Indonesia
Telp : 021 6510403
Fax : 021 6512487
Jl. Mitra Utara II Kawasan Mitra Industri Mitrakarawang,
Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Telp : 0267440777
Fax : 02674405
Persyaratan Pencari Kerja :
- Laki-laki
- Usia max 27 tahun
- Pendidikan min S1
- Berasal dari jurusan :
- Teknik Industri
- Teknik Mesin
- Teknik Elektro
- Teknik Informatika
- Sistem Informasi
- IPK min 3.00
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Karawang dan bekerja dengan sistem kerja shift
- Sehat jasmani & rohani
- Tidak terlibat dalam penggunaan psikotropika & Napza
- Menguasai Ms. Office
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris (lisan & tulisan)
- Memiliki integrity dan disiplin yang baik
- Memiliki inisiatif dan kepedulian, mampu bekerjasama dalam tim
- Berorientasi pada kepuasan pelanggan
- Achievement oriented
- Mampu bekerja secara akurat dan berkualitas
Persyaratan Pencari Kerja :
- Laki-laki / Wanita
- Pendidikan min S1
- Berasal dari jurusan :
- Teknik Industri,
- Manajemen Operasi
- Usia maksimal 27 tahun
- IPK min 3.00
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
- Diharuskan memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris secara aktif
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Karawang dan bekerja dengan sistem kerja shift
- Sehat jasmani & rohani
- Tidak terlibat dalam penggunaan psikotropika & Napza
- Menguasai Ms. Office
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris (lisan & tulisan)
- Memiliki integrity dan disiplin yang baik
- Memiliki inisiatif dan kepedulian, mampu bekerjasama dalam tim
- Berorientasi pada kepuasan pelanggan
- Achievement oriented
- Mampu bekerja secara akurat dan berkualitas
Persyaratan Pencari Kerja :
- Laki-laki / Wanita
- Pendidikan min S1/D3
- Berasal dari jurusan Teknik Sipil
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Karawang dan bekerja dengan sistem kerja shift
- Usia max 27 tahun
- IPK min 3.00
- Sehat jasmani & rohani
- Tidak terlibat dalam penggunaan psikotropika & Napza
- Menguasai Ms. Office
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris (lisan & tulisan)
- Memiliki integrity dan disiplin yang baik
- Memiliki inisiatif dan kepedulian, mampu bekerjasama dalam tim
- Berorientasi pada kepuasan pelanggan
- Achievement oriented
- Mampu bekerja secara akurat dan berkualitas
Persyaratan Pencari Kerja :
- Laki-laki/ Perempuan
- Pendidikan min S1
- Berasal dari jurusan :
- Teknik Industri
- Teknik Mesin
- Teknik Elektro
- Teknik Fisika
- Teknik Kimia
- Usia max 27 tahun
- IPK min 3.00
- Lebih disukai menguasai AutoCAD/Catia
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
- Disiplin, tegas dan dapat memimpin
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Karawang dan bekerja dengan sistem kerja shift
- Sehat jasmani & rohani
- Tidak terlibat dalam penggunaan psikotropika & Napza
- Menguasai Ms. Office
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris (lisan & tulisan)
- Memiliki integrity dan disiplin yang baik
- Memiliki inisiatif dan kepedulian, mampu bekerjasama dalam tim
- Berorientasi pada kepuasan pelanggan
- Achievement oriented
- Mampu bekerja secara akurat dan berkualitas
Gambaran Pekerjaan :
- Mengontrol seluruh aktivitas terkait dengan dokumen legal,
- Membuat draft legal agreement,
- Memberikan opini terhadap masalah hukum di perusahaan,
- Mereview perjanjian dengan pihak luar.
Persyaratan Pencari Kerja :
- Laki-laki
- Pendidikan min S1
- Berasal dari jurusan Hukum (diutamakan Hukum Bisnis)
- Usia max 27 tahun
- IPK min 3.00
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang yang sama
- Lebih disukai bila dapat mengendarai mobil dan memiliki SIM A
- Sehat jasmani & rohani
- Tidak terlibat dalam penggunaan psikotropika & Napza
- Menguasai Ms. Office
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris (lisan & tulisan)
- Memiliki integrity dan disiplin yang baik
- Memiliki inisiatif dan kepedulian, mampu bekerjasama dalam tim
- Berorientasi pada kepuasan pelanggan
- Achievement oriented
- Mampu bekerja secara akurat dan berkualitas.
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Sunter, Jakarta Utara
Tata Cara Pendaftaran :
Available link for download
Friday, December 30, 2016
Key sửa lỗi mực Epson WF 2661
Key sửa lỗi mực Epson WF 2661
Ph?n m?m reset Epson WF-2661
- Tên ph?n m?m: ph?n m?m reset Epson WF-2661- Máy in t??ng thích: Epson WF-2661
- Dung l??ng ph?n m?m: 6.27 Mb
- H? ?i?u hành t??ng thích: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 , Mac OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9.
- ??n v? phân ph?i: PrinterKeys.Com
- Phí t?i: mi?n phí
Link download ph?n m?m s?a l?i m?c Epson WF-2661
- Download Ph?n M?m Reset M?c Epson WF-2661 Cho Windows: Download- Download Ph?n M?m Reset M?c Epson WF-2661 Cho Mac OS: Download
Ch?c n?ng ph?n m?m reset Epson WF-2661
H??ng D?n S?a L?i M?c Epson WF-2661 B?ng Ph?n M?m
Cách Reset Epson WF-2661 B?ng Ph?n M?m
- K?t n?i máy in Epson WF-2661 t?i máy tính b?ng dây k?t n?i USB.- B?t máy in và ch? máy in ? tr?ng thái s?n sàng ho?t ??ng.
- Xóa toàn b? l?nh in.
- T?i và m? ph?n m?m reset Epson WF-2661.
Kh?i ??ng l?i máy in Epson WF-2661 và ki?m tra k?t qu?.
Mua ph?n m?m máy in Epson WF-2661 gi?m giá 10 % t?i link d??i
- Giá bán code reset Epson WF-2661 là : 200.000 vn?
- Thông tin chuy?n kho?n: Click Here
Available link for download
Letterhead FONT
Letterhead FONT

Available link for download
Kamus English Indonesia Gratis Untuk Semua Jenis Ponsel
Kamus English Indonesia Gratis Untuk Semua Jenis Ponsel
Download Kamus
Available link for download
Key sửa lỗi mực Epson C92
Key sửa lỗi mực Epson C92
Ph?n m?m reset Epson C92
- Tên ph?n m?m: ph?n m?m reset Epson C92- Máy in t??ng thích: Epson C92
- Dung l??ng ph?n m?m: 6.27 Mb
- H? ?i?u hành t??ng thích: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 , Mac OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9.
- ??n v? phân ph?i: PrinterKeys.Com
- Phí t?i: mi?n phí
Link download ph?n m?m s?a l?i m?c Epson C92
- Download Ph?n M?m Reset M?c Epson C92 Cho Windows: Download- Download Ph?n M?m Reset M?c Epson C92 Cho Mac OS: Download
Ch?c n?ng ph?n m?m reset Epson C92
H??ng D?n S?a L?i M?c Epson C92 B?ng Ph?n M?m
Cách Reset Epson C92 B?ng Ph?n M?m
- K?t n?i máy in Epson C92 t?i máy tính b?ng dây k?t n?i USB.- B?t máy in và ch? máy in ? tr?ng thái s?n sàng ho?t ??ng.
- Xóa toàn b? l?nh in.
- T?i và m? ph?n m?m reset Epson C92.
Kh?i ??ng l?i máy in Epson C92 và ki?m tra k?t qu?.
Mua ph?n m?m máy in Epson C92 gi?m giá 10 % t?i link d??i
- Giá bán code reset Epson C92 là : 200.000 vn?
- Thông tin chuy?n kho?n: Click Here
Available link for download

Banyak sekali OS yang telaj beredar di pasaran, mulai dari windows, linux, Mac, dll( dan lupa lupa). hehehe... seiring berjalan nya waktu, teknologi pun semakin maju, ( kok kayak gak nyambung?) hehehe..
kali neh akan membahas tentang virtual box. Ini adalah artikel yang sudah cukup lama, tapi gak apalah, untuk memenuhi arsip, hehehe... oke deh.
VirtualBox merupakan software virtualisasi sistem operasi. Versi terbaru, VirtualBox dapat berjalan di Windows, Linux, Macintosh dan OpenSolaris. Serta mendukung banyak virtualisasi seperti Windows (NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista), DOS/Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4 and 2.6), Solaris, OpenSolaris, dan OpenBSD.
Oracle VM VirtualBox adalah perangkat lunak virtualisasi, yang dapat digunakan untuk mengeksekusi sistem operasi "tambahan" di dalam sistem operasi "utama". Sebagai contoh, jika seseorang mempunyai sistem operasi MS Windows yang terpasang di komputernya, maka seseorang tersebut dapat pula menjalankan sistem operasi lain yang diinginkan di dalam sistem operasi MS Windows.
Fungsi ini sangat penting jika seseorang ingin melakukan ujicoba dan simulasi instalasi suatu sistem tanpa harus kehilangan sistem yang ada. Aplikasi dengan fungsi sejenis VirtualBox lainnya adalah VMware dan Microsoft Virtual PC.
kekurangan nya adalah harus memiliki spesifikasi yang tinggi, karena software ini akan mengambil banyak memori. sekitar 1/4 dari RAM. (kalau gak salah sih )..
Bagi yang berminat, ambil di
Maaf bila ada kesalahan..
Available link for download
Kesuksesan itu milik Allah kita hanya berusaha
Kesuksesan itu milik Allah kita hanya berusaha

semangat ya diriku..!!! cari keridhoan allah dengan ilmu yang telah diberi darinya. jika ilmu yang kita miliki sudah diambil olehnya maka segala harta yang kita miliki tiada artinya.
cobaan, hinaan dan segala kendala yang allah buat untuk kita semata-mata untuk membuat kita lebih dewsa menyikapinya.
Terus Beribadah dan berusaha. Allah akan menentukan hasilnya
Available link for download
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011
Kaspersky® Internet Security 2011 |
Complete PC & Netbook Protection

- Real-time proactive protection against all Internet threats Improved!
Prevents all types of known and unknown malware from infecting your computer. - New Safe Surf feature for unparalleled online security New!
With Safe Surf youll never be exposed to harmful or offensive websites. Regular database updates from Kaspersky Lab means that Safe Surf will automatically block undesirable websites as they appear. Just switch it on. - Protection for your digital identity at all times Improved!
Smart anti-phishing protection and Virtual Keyboard keep your digital identity absolutely secure when you are shopping, banking or social networking online. - Feature-rich and effective Parental Control Improved!
The products advanced Parental Control features can block, limit and log applications and web access, so your children stay safe online. - Application Control prevents dangerous software from harming your system Improved!
Each program is granted rights and access to system resources based on an automated risk-assessment using Kaspersky Labs in-the-cloud security database. - System Watcher technology New!
Cutting-edge System Watcher technology monitors and analyzes every system event to accurately detect any dangerous behavior. If a threat occurs, the user will be prompted to roll back any malicious program activity. - Unique Safe Run mode for apps & websites Improved!
Safe Run mode lets you run suspicious applications and websites in a specially isolated environment where they cannot damage your system. - Special tools to treat even the most complex infections Improved!
The installation CD can also be used as a bootable rescue disk to help you to restore your system should you ever need to. If youve downloaded your Kaspersky Lab product you can create your own Rescue CD using the program. - Easy-Access Desktop gadget New!
Checking your PCs protection status and quickly accessing your preferred security features and settings has never been easier!
- Improved: Risk-based Application Control restricts programs rights to access potentially vulnerable system resources or share sensitive data on the Internet
- New: System Watcher - Heuristics-based analysis monitors, restricts and blocks suspicious program behavior
- Improved: Safe Run mode launches questionable applications and websites without risk
- Improved: Rescue CD disinfects the system after malware attacks
- New: Safe Run for websites mode provides added security for online banking and other similar activities where a high risk of identity theft exists
- Improved: Advanced antimalware technologies even allows installation on infected PCs
- New: New System Watcher technology tracks, records and analyzes suspicious activity and lets you roll back any dangerous actions
- New: Safe Surf technology blocks malware and phishing websites for great online security
- Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (Service Pack 2 or higher)
- Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2 or higher)
- Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (Service Pack 2 or higher)
- Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic (32/64 Bit)
- Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium (32/64 Bit)
- Microsoft Windows Vista Business (32/64 Bit)
- Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise (32/64 Bit)
- Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate (32/64 Bit)
- Microsoft Windows 7 Starter (32/64 Bit)
- Microsoft Windows 7 Home Basic (32/64 Bit)
- Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (32/64 Bit)
- Microsoft Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate (32/64 Bit)
Hardware Requirements
- Processor 800 MHz or higher
- 512 MB of available RAM
- Processor 1 GHz 32-bit (x86)/64-bit (x64) or higher
- 1 GB of available RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB of available RAM (64-bit)
Required for all installations
- About 480 MB free space on the hard drive (depends on the size of the antivirus database)
- CD/DVD Drive for installation of the program from CD ROM
- Computer mouse
- Internet connection for product activation
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or higher
- Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0
Please Note: Safe Run Mode doesnt work with Microsoft Windows XP x64, and works with limitations on Microsoft Windows Vista x64 and Microsoft Windows 7 x64.
Hardware requirements for netbooks
- CPU: Intel Atom 1.33 Ghz (Z520)
- RAM: (1 GB) 1024MB (DDR2-533Mhz)
- Hard Disk: 160GB (5400rpm)
- Video Card: Intel GMA950 + 64 MB
- Screen: 10.1
- OS: MS WinXP Home Edition
Available link for download
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Latest Bitdefender Total Security 2016 Offline installer Internet Security Antivirus Plus Offline Installer Setup
Latest Bitdefender Total Security 2016 Offline installer Internet Security Antivirus Plus Offline Installer Setup
Award wining PC protection Bitdefender 2016 is now available. Bitdefender technology best in the performance to defend your device with simple one click.

It has some great feature like Bitdefender Safebox that secure your stores photo and videos online & Device Anti-Theft help in some cases as you lost or some one theft your Laptop or PC. You can download here official offline installer.
Some More Features For Total Security
- All-round protection for all your
- Windows, Mac OS and Android devices
- Uncovers and removes even never-before-seen malware
- Easy to use: one account for all your devices
- Full privacy protection across platforms
- Secure online transactions
- Effective anti-loss and anti-theft tools
- Windows 10 compatible
This guide is applicable for Total Security, Internet Security as well as Antivirus Plus 2016.
What Bitdefender has done is merged every program in single installer called offline kit and when you install it along with Bitdefender Agent, program changes its name according to the license key entered.
So, follow the procedure step by step to install Bitdefender 2016 offline:
1. Download Bitdefender Agent
2. Download offline kit : 32-Bit or 64-Bit according to your system configuration from above links.
3. Now You have Bitdefender Agent + Offline kit 2016
4. Uninstall any existing Bitdefender installation on Computer
5. Now you should be Offline [Disconnect From Internet] 6. Now First Install Bitdefender Agent [Install is complete when we have C:Program FilesBitdefender Agent] 22MB
7. If Bitdefender Agent have error please ignore this and close agent and install offline kit.
8. Now, you should be Online [Connect to Internet] and open Bitdefender and Log In to your Account
Download Links :
Bitdefender Agent 2016
Bitdefender Total Security 2016 (32 Bit)
Bitdefender Total Security 2016 (64 Bit)
Bitdefender Internet Security 2016 (32 Bit)
Bitdefender Internet Security 2016 (64 Bit)
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2016 (32 Bit)
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2016 (64 Bit)
Available link for download
Konstruksi Klasifikasi Sifat Umum dan Kesalahan dari Alat Ukur dan Pengukuran
Konstruksi Klasifikasi Sifat Umum dan Kesalahan dari Alat Ukur dan Pengukuran
Pembacaan Tegangan (Volt) | Jumlah Pengukuran |
99.7 99.8 99.9 100.0 100.1 100.2 100.3 | 1 4 12 19 Available link for download
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Interactive Typography
Interactive Typography teach you the basics of type anatomy and classification. It is a great resource for any designers who are searching for an introduction to typography.
It challenge you to find the perfect match for one of a number of typefaces. If your macth is unsucecessful, youll be notified with short information based on the type chacarteristic youve selected. Its a good game to practice pairing of typefaces in print and web documents.
There are many numbers of font game but this one is rather difficult Font Game. Your need to identify each typeface on the screen from four options.
What type are you?
It is a classic-fun typography quiz, where you will meet a distinctly Freudian psychoanalyst who asks four questions about your personality. Based on your answers, the site shows you one typeface that matches your traits. You can also see a list of who else shares your typeface and the 15 other possible fonts.
Fontroduction focuses on terminology and classification, and allows you to test your Typography skill at the end with an interactive quiz.
Identity a glyph from two options. There are also quizzes which only focus on specific letter, such as: G, M, O, and Q.
Shot the Serif
Just shoot the serif if you are sure with your choice to win the game!
Rag Time
You will have several tasks to adjust the ragged lines for a more attractive paragraph within period of time and music in the background will help you to finish them.
Kern Type
Kern a few glyphs and click Compare to find out your score. If you make 100/100 score, then your kerning skill is pretty good!
Shape Type
Similar to vector editing, this game will allow you to shape a type using path anchor handle. Your sensitivity to a fonts shape is going to be tested!