Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Heres a little development art i did for the film. ha, just kidding. This drawing is actually really old, but i still like it. This post is decidedly about KING KONG. I just recently saw it Friday night, i wanted to see it Wednesday morning at the 12 am showing but it didnt work out. But all i have to say is WOW. i absolutely loved it, in fact, i cant stop talking about it. I know some people are predicting that it wont be a hit, but a movie that costs 207 million to make is hard for it to become to a financial hit. as far as im concerned though it is definately an artistic success for sure!
You got to films wanting to feel something. Wanting to have an experience. I felt everything i wanted to feel and thats hard for a fellow filmmaker to get that way because i know its all fake. Its even harder sometimes for me to take that leap emotionally, but when i film takes even me there i know its powerful.
Sure, there were somethings i would have done differently, maybe would have trimmed up some spots editing-wise, and yeah, there were even some bits of animation that i thought could have been a tiny bit better. But then, there were WAY more moments that made me go "wow", or feel incredibly sad.
Anyhow, the point of it all is GO SEE IT. You dont even feel the 3 hours. honestly, your just sucked into it.
hand drawn, 2D, traditional, animation
Available link for download